
“We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship” - Harville Hendrix

I am a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of couples. I am a certified group psychotherapist through the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) and I am a board certified psychologist in couples and family psychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).

My practice is mostly virtual at this time and I have an office in Harvard/Porter Sq.

Areas of Specialty

Couples Therapy

Sex Therapy

Racial Trauma

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Issues

Eating Disorders

Sexual and Interpersonal Trauma

South Asian Mental Health

Mood Disorders (Depression and Anxiety)

Group Therapy

Family Dynamics

Parenting Challenges

Grief + Loss

First & Second Generation Immigrant Challenges

Perinatal, Infertility, and Post-Partum Issues

Queer and Trans Issues

Check out my list of recommended resources or therapy referral sites


I have almost 20 years of clinical experience and have worked in several outpatient, inpatient, community mental health, and college counseling settings. I hold multiple roles as a practicing psychologist, adjunct professor, supervisor, and consultant.


I primarily treat couples in my private practice. A fourth of my clients are individuals and I run a few groups as well.


I am an out of network provider with all insurance plans. I reserve five slots in my practice for lower income couples who cannot afford my standard fees.

Couples Therapy

I value working with diverse couples at all stages of their relationship and feel it’s important for me, as a couples specialist, to be inclusive in my practice and to work effectively with all types of couples, including lower SES, BIPOC, interracial/interfaith, LGBTIQ+, polyamorous, and religious/conservative couples.

Individual Psychotherapy

I enjoy working with clients who are motivated to learn about themselves, regardless of what particular issues bring them to therapy. I emphasize utilizing a client’s unique background, values, and strengths to help in the change process.

Group Therapy

I believe group can be an exponentially healing modality of treatment for multiple issues in the interpersonal domain. I feel group psychotherapy is sometimes able to tap into issues and facilitate change in a way that isn’t as easy to do in the context of 1:1 therapy. Currently, I have two spots open in my South Asian Women’s Process Group and will be recruiting for my Sociocultural Bibliotherapy in Fall 2025.

Consulting + Clinical Training

In addition to being a clinical psychologist, I am a communication/inclusion/equity consultant with VISIONS, Inc. Attending to experiences of oppression, privilege, and strengths tied to sociocultural identity is important in creating a cohesive work environment and is absolutely integral to providing effective psychotherapy. I am frequently invited to speak to various clinical organizations on a range of topics.