I am a former staff psychologist and group coordinator at Mental Health & Counseling at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where I worked for 7 years. I am a faculty member at the Psychodynamic Couples and Family Institute of New England, former faculty at the Couples Conference, and supervisor for doctoral students at Clinical Alliance Services. I am also a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant with VISIONS, Inc.
I received my bachelor’s degree from Cornell University in cultural anthropology and psychology. I received my masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Denver, where the bulk of my training focused on the treatment of couples. I wrote my dissertation on applying self-psychology to masculine gender role stress and implications for couples therapy—or in plain terms, how to work effectively with male partners who struggle to be vulnerable, name internal experiences, and participate in couples therapy due to gender role stress and socialization.
I have a developed a specialty integrating my DEI and cultural anthropology knowledge into my work with couples, specifically interracial and intercultural couples, and I frequently present and teach on this topic. I also enjoy reviewing books and have published pieces in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, the International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, and GROUP: Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society. You can learn more about me via my CV.
On a personal note, I have been with my partner for over a decade and have two young children. I know firsthand how challenging it can be to apply my own knowledge in communicating effectively with my spouse and parenting in the way I want to when emotions are running high or past experiences bubble up—it’s impossible to respond effectively all the time. I value reflecting on my less than perfect responses, with self-compassion and curiosity, and continuing to learn and grow from them. I hope to help my clients, regardless of their specific challenges, do the same.
Clinical Supervisor for doctoral PhD. practicum students at Mass College of Art + Design
Clinical Psychologist and Group Coordinator at Mental Health & Counseling at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Clinical Psychologist & Supervisor at the Danielsen Institute at Boston University
Lead Psychologist in the Partial Hospital Program at Cambridge Eating Disorders Center
Couples and Family Fellow at Psychoanalytic Couples and Family Institute (Boston, MA)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Counseling & Wellness at New York University (New York, NY)
Pre-Doctoral APA Internship at Brigham Young University’s Counseling Center (couples therapy + group therapy focus)
Board Certified Psychologist in Couples/Family Psychology (2023-)
Prepare & Enrich Certified Premarital Counselor (2014-present)
Certified Group Psychotherapist (2022-present)
Core Power Yoga Certified Yoga Instructor CYT2000
Theories of Group Counseling Boston University Wheelock Graduate School, MA in Counseling Program, 2022-Present
Effective Interventions for Adults Boston University Wheelock Graduate School, PhD. in Counseling Program, 2021-present
Preventative and Developmental Group Counseling Harvard Graduate School of Education, MEd. in School Counseling Program, 2022-2024
Marriage and Family Therapy Boston University Medical School, MA in Behavioral Medicine Program, 2021